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884 result(s) found


ENIC 2020 - Transforming mains replacement

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Foam Bag Operation on Stubs (FBOS)

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ENIC 2020 - Scottish & Southern

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Preparing networks for EV ready roads

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ENIC 2020 - DoorStop

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

The doorstop system will immediately recognise a genuine caller.

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Agreed GDN Bottle change procedure

Category: Gas

Type: Procedure

Joint GDN Calibration and Test Gas Bottle Change Procedure. Published June 2021.

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ON21-WS1A-P3 Flexible connections (ANM) Legacy contracts review, stakeholder feedback, and recommendations (24 May 2021)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Report

Report reviewing legacy Flexible Connection (ANM) Contracts, and stakeholder feedback and recommendations

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ON21-WS2-P1 Updated ECR Timeline for H1 2021 (22 Apr 2021)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Presentation

Slides showing the ECR Timeline for H1 presented at the April Open Networks Steering Group meeting

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ON21-WS1A-P9 Flexible connections (ANM) Curtailment Info Principles and Key Requirements (24 May 2021)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Report

Report stating key requirement and principals for ANM Curtailment

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ON21-WS1A-P9 ANM Curtailment - Provision of Constraint Information (17 Mar 2021)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Report

Review of what information on constraints and curtailment is useful to customers, provide an overview of what information is currently made available and to establish good practice for network operators

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ENIC 2020 - Boston Spa

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Energy efficiency trial

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ENIC 2020 - Closer to real time procurement

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Initial findings of Auction Trial Phase 2

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ENIC 2020 - National Grid ESO

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Advanced Modelling for Network Planning

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ENIC 2020 - OptiNet

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Historic demand on gas networks

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ENIC 2020 - Elegancy

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Using hydrogen and CCS to achieve Europe’s climate goals

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ENIC 2020 - 4D Heat

Category: Innovation

Type: Presentation

Maximum volume of wind energy (MWh) that could avoid being constrained by controlling electric residential heating

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"Our Expertise, Your Security" – our hydrogen safety commitment

Category: Gas Goes Green

Type: Guide or guidance

Gas Goes Green's hydrogen safety commitment. Published May 2021.

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ON21-WS2-P2 Queue Management Webinar Slides (14 May 2021)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Presentation

Slide deck from the Queue Management Webinar hosted by Open Networks WS2 P2 Product team in May 2021

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Collaborative Gas Distribution Networks Discretionary Reward Submission 2018-2022

Category: Gas

Type: Report

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ON19-WS2-P3 Terms and Definitions v2 (17 Sep 2019)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Reference

WS2 P3 Terms and definitions, updated to align with definitions from the Charging Futures SCR Glossary.

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ON20-WS1A-P2 Flexibility Procurement Coordination Implementation plan (01 Dec 2020)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Presentation

Slide deck from December presentation from WS1A Product 2 - Procurement coordination implementation

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Objective Analysis DSO Projects 2019

Category: Innovation

Type: Report

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Entry Customer Forum - April 2021 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the Entry Customer Forum meeting on 27th April 2021.

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Entry Customer Forum - March 2021 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the Entry Customer Forum meeting on 23rd March 2021.

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Entry Customer Forum - February 2021 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the Entry Customer Forum meeting on 23rd February 2021.

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Entry Customer Forum - January 2021 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the Entry Customer Forum meeting on 26th January 2021.

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Entry Customer Forum - December 2020 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the Entry Customer Forum meeting on 15th December 2020.

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Entry Customer Forum - November 2020 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the Entry Customer Forum meeting on 10th November 2020.

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Entry Customer Forum - October 2020 minutes

Category: Gas

Type: Minutes

Minutes from the first Entry Customer Forum meeting on 12th October 2020.

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ON21-WS1A-P6 Market Simulations Report v3.1 (29 Apr 2021)

Category: Open Networks

Type: Report

Report from the Market Simulations workshops hosted by Origami and ENA Open Networks

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Standardisation of siloxane limit in gas distribution network systems

Category: Gas Goes Green

Type: Standards and Codes

Joint GDN statement on Siloxanes limit in gas distribution network systems. Published April 2021.

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Table of GIS Standards

Category: Gas

Type: Standards and Codes

Complete table of GIS Standards as of 14 February 2024.

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