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Battery Storage Connections - Tactical Solutions Guidance Notes

21 September 2023

DNOs are seeing an unprecedented increase in the number of network connection applications, predominantly for renewable energy or electricity storage projects. For distribution electricity storage alone, by June 2023 the combined capacity of all contracted projects had grown to 53GW, with over half of this signed in the last regulatory year. To provide context to this volume, this is close to the total GB electricity peak demand (~60GW).

Whilst these renewable generation and electricity storage help provide energy security and facilitate the transition to Net Zero, the immediate impact is that, in many areas, there is little spare network capacity for smaller-scale demand and generation growth or the societal decarbonisation that is essential to achieving legislated Net Zero targets – these volumes are adversely impacting GB customers.

ENA has been working with Ofgem and network companies to develop ‘Tactical Solutions’ that can be implemented quickly by working within existing code and licence requirements. These are designed to get better use out of existing network capacity and avoid triggering unnecessary reinforcements.

Ofgem’s support for Tactical Solutions 1-3 was published on 15 August 2023, and they ‘go live’ from 30 September 2023. To ensure consistent implementation of these Tactical Solutions across DNOs, ENA has developed these implementation guidance notes. Whilst they are primarily intended for DNOs, they may be of interest to other industry stakeholders. Given this, and the desire for transparency in how DNOs plan and operate their networks, these documents are published here to be freely available to any party.

Read more about our work to accelerate and improve connections.